My House Now Bitch! (Family Guy sex story) - sex stories
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It was the middle of the day when the door to the Griffin home burst inward with a shove and the entire family looked over from their seats on the couch in front of the TV to see Meg stride in. She was fresh off a 3-month prison sentence for harboring a fugitive and prison had changed her look dramatically.
She looked much more butch dressed in her jeans and a tank top with a red bandanna replacing her signature beanie. Her physique had changed as drastically as her outfit, and she had muscular arms that sported tribal tattoos.
“I’m home,” Meg declared as she stared all of them down before pointing at them all. “You’re all my bitches now!”
“Okay,” Stewie agreed immediately as everyone else struggled to process what was going on.
Meg slammed the door shut and moved to stand in front of the TV, so she had their undivided attention. She continued to stare at them daring any one of them to defy her. She had more than a new look, she had a whole new mentality.
“Meg. You look so… different.” Her mother made the comment sound innocent, but Meg’s mind immediately picked up on the tone of judgment.
Her mother’s constant verbal and emotional abuse towards her through her entire life had been a constant thought these last three months. She had already started working out some plans to pay her back.
“How was prison?” Her brother blurted out the question with his usual lack of tact.
He had never been as bad to her as the others, but she was going to use him in her plan just the same. She hoped he grew to enjoy the role he played in the plot she had cooked up while she was inside, but she also didn’t care if he didn’t.
Right now though, she needed to establish herself as the top dog and there was only one way to do that. With a challenge.
“First question!” Meg barked as she puffed out her chest, balled up her fists, and held her hands at the ready in a strong stance she had learned her first day in. “Who’s the biggest, toughest guy in this house?”
“Well, I don’t like to toot my own horn here,” her fat idiot father piped up completely missing the point, “but I believe I hold the distinction of—”
Before he could finish Meg had grabbed a lamp and smashed him in the head with it. He went limp and fell off the couch. As the rest of the family looked on with horrified expressions Meg laid into her father delivering punch after vicious punch to the head before grabbing him and driving her knee into his face a few times before she dropped repeated hammer fists into his face until he went limp.
Everyone watched with growing fear as Meg dragged her father’s limp corpse by the hair to the stairs. She put his top teeth on the bottom stair before jumping into the air and delivering a stomp to the back of his head breaking all of his front teeth.
“My house now bitch!” She declared as she glared down and stood over his beaten and bloody form. Before she turned a menacing glare back at the rest of her family. “Now who’s the funniest?”
Peter lifted his hand still not understanding what was going on or too concussed to get it. “I know my way around a joke.”
Meg turned on him with unrelentingly vicious kicks. Repeatedly driving her foot into his face and stomping down on his head in equal measure. Peter somehow managed to retain consciousness and grunted with each vicious blow.
“For God’s sake Dad have some humility.” Chris begged his father as he watched Meg try to stomp him into a comma. “It’ll save your life.”
She continued to deliver strike after strike taking out years of pent-up frustration at all the horrible ways he had mistreated her. She also wanted to make sure that the others understood what would happen to them if they dared to defy her. This was her new prison, and she was going to be the biggest toughest bitch in the yard. He finally lost consciousness from her vicious beating, and she smirked.
“There better be beer in the fridge,” she told her father’s unconscious body as she walked out of the living room.
Me opened the fridge and took her father’s entire sixpack of beer before she began to head up to her room to find a place to store her new commissary. On her way through the living room with her new prize she took a moment to kick her father again as he was trying to crawl back to the couch.
“That’s enough Meg,” her mom finally stood up and tried to stare down her daughter. “I’m sure prison was tough, but you can’t treat us like this.”
“Shut the fuck up bitch,” Meg hissed at her, and she put the sixpack down on the stairs. “Unless you really think you can take me.”
“I’m not going to fight you Meg.” Lois rolled her eyes already sick of Meg’s new attitude.
“Of course you’re not,” Meg laughed as she walked right up to her mom and punched her in the gut with a powerful strike driving all the air out of her and dropping her to her knees.
Lois was gasping for air as Meg delivered a rabbit punch to the back of her head and she saw stars as she collapsed on the floor. Meg picked up her limp mother and draped her over the couch. She walked over and grabbed a beer and walked back over to Lois. Chris, Stewie, and Brian had all backed up as far as they could but also couldn’t look away.
Meg looked at the bottle top and saw it was a twist off. She looked over at her mom and decided to teach the bitch a lesson. She undid her mom’s pants and yanked them down along with her panties to her knees. She looked over and saw Stewie look away in disgust, Chris looked horrified, but he was obviously checking out what his sister was doing to his mom, and Brian was trying to shift around so he could get a better look at Lois’s pussy.
“You always like to talk about your buns of steel,” Meg laughed as she put the top of the bottlecap against her mom’s puckered asshole and squeezed her cheeks around the sides of the bottlecap. She twisted and laughed as she heard the pop of the beer opening. “Thanks bitch.”
She let go of her mom’s ass cheeks and as the cap hit the floor she chugged the beer. She stopped half way through the bottle and poured the rest on her father so he came too. His eyes widened as he saw his wife, half naked, draped over the couch, and his kids still in the room. Meg walked back over to Lois and smiled at her dad.
“I bet this bitch could use something bigger and better than your tiny pathetic cock,” Meg mocked her father.
“How would you know what his dick looks like?” Chris blurted out with a weird tone.
“Because the bastard tried to rape me when he was trying to be a redneck!” She shouted at them all. “Now he can watch me rape my cunt of a mother.”
As her father watched in horror, and Chris and Brian watched with curiosity Meg lined the bottle up with her mom’s pussy. Lois started to come to as Meg jammed the entire neck of the bottle into her. She screamed as Meg pushed it in even deeper and Meg laughed.
“I’m glad you came round you fucking slut,” she hissed at her mom before looking right at her father as she pushed in some more of the bottle. “I’d hate for you to miss getting something big jammed in you.”
She saw her father’s spirit break as he listened to Lois’s scream turn to a groan and then to a moan as she got used to the bottle invading her. He was completely emasculated, and she had shown him what dominance really was.
“I’m going to put the rest of MY beer in my room,” Meg told them all with a hard look. “No one takes that battle out of her or I ram it in her ass next after I beat the shit out of all of you.” As she thought of what she was going to do she decided to show a bit of kindness since it would also allow her to punish Brian for snitching on her. “Brian, take Stewie to his room and stay there until I say otherwise.”
Brian looked disappointed but Meg knew he was a coward and would never defy her. As she grabbed her beer and Brian hustled Stewie up the stairs never looking away from Lois’s pussy stuffed with a beer bottle. She also noticed one of Chris’s hands was in his pocket and while he wore a mask of shock she was sure he was touching himself watching this.
She made sure Stewie’s door was shut before she slipped into her room and found a good place to hide her beer. She waited in her room for a few minutes in no mood to rush her takeover of the house.
As Meg walked back downstairs she smiled. Chris had done exactly what she had expected him to do and shifted to a new position where he could see everything, but it was harder to see what his hand in his pocket was up to. Her father was exactly where she had left him staring at Lois who was also exactly as she had left her.
She walked up to her mother and noticed she was clearly awake but also wasn’t moving at all and Meg realized she had already broken her mom. She had thought it would take more pain but then it clicked. It wasn’t the pain or the violation that had broken her judgmental bitch of a birthing chamber. It was the blow to her pride at having it done in front of her family that had crushed her mom’s spirit.
Meg finished yanking her mother’s pants and panties as she began to slowly pull the bottle out before pushing it back in and fucking her with it. She made Lois spread her legs as she continued to work the bottle in and out of her.
“You know something bitch,” she growled at her mom as she heard her pathetic grunts at getting fucked by her daughter. “I don’t think you need to wear clothes anymore.”
She savored the crushed look on her mother’s face as she used a knee to keep the bottle shoved deep in her mother and lifted her torso off the couch. Her father wouldn’t see much until after, but Chris was about to see his mother’s naked tits and her mother knew it.
Meg wasn’t gentle and tore Lois’s button up shirt open sending buttons everywhere before ripping it off of her and tossing it to the side. She let her drop to the couch again and unhooked the back of her bra. She pulled it off of her mother and Lois immediately collapsed back to the couch as it joined her other clothes but that didn’t work for Meg. She wanted her completely humiliated and went back to using one hand to pump the bottle in and out and the other hand grabbed a handful of her mother’s hair pulling her up from the couch.
Lois completely broke at this final humiliation of being exposed to her son as she was raped by her daughter in front of her broken husband. She stopped trying to fight back her moans and simply lost herself in the act of being fucked until she felt her orgasm building. With a moan that drew a tear from peter and a strange look on Chris’s face Lois came.
Meg quickly yanked out the bottle not wanting the pressure to break the bottle. She didn’t give a shit if Loise got hurt but she wasn’t sure how they would explain it at medical. Besides, it was time for another lesson. She tossed the bottle on the couch and grabbed her mother’s throat.
“Did I fucking tell you that you could cum you stupid fucking cow?” She screeched at her mother and punched her right in the pussy making sure her most prominent knuckle connected with her clit. Her mother screamed and Meg ground her fist into her even harder. She punched her three more times before she paused. “I asked you a fucking question bitch.”
“No,” her mom managed to barely get out the word.
“You’re fucking right I didn’t.” Meg barked at her mom as she hauled her into a standing position by the hair and slapped her in the face twice. “You’re a fucking embarrassment so you’ve lost the right to wear clothes in the house until I say otherwise.” Lois simply nodded her ascent. “Now every one else can leave but if anyone tries to snitch me out again I kill you all starting with Stewie.”
Peter struggled to get up and kept his head down as he limped and crawled his way upstairs and Chris took off up the stairs past their father and as she heard his bedroom door slam she was sure if he hadn’t cum yet he was about to. Lois just stood and stared at her like she was waiting for instructions.
“You probably think you got off easy,” Meg whispered to her mother making sure to touch her in every spot that made her shudder, “but I want bacon burgers tonight so enjoy cooking that naked.”
Lois started to cry as Meg walked away to go enjoy another one of her beers.Peter had cried as soon as he had made it to his room. He had been beaten and emasculated in front of his wife and kids before he had sat idly by as Meg had raped her with a bottle too afraid to take another beating. He felt weak and powerless. Worse he felt dirty at having felt himself get hard as he heard his wife moan being raped by the bottle. He needed a shower.
The hot water was soothing but he winced every time it touched the bruises that covered his face. He had cried again in the shower. He wasn’t sure how he could ever show his face again and the absolute horror of Meg’s ultimatum for their silence.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear the bathroom door open and close.
“Hey,” Meg got into the shower with him making him jump. She was holding a luffa in one hand with a hard look on her face and nothing else on.
“Meg,” he tried to cover his nakedness in front of his unashamedly naked daughter. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
“Shower time,” she told him with a cold flat tone.
“Yeah,” he agreed quickly. “For me, not… not for,” he stammered before his eyes locked on the luffa in her hand. “What are you doing with that luffa?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she told him with an evil smirk.
Peter tried to pretend she wasn’t there and turned back towards the water before Meg grabbed him by the back of the head and drove him into the wall holding him there. She took the luffa and without a moment’s hesitation drove the luffa right into her father’s fat ass. He screamed as she violated him.
“You told me not to worry about it,” he shouted trying to struggle but feeling even more pathetic when he couldn’t push her off him and he just let her hold him against the wall and rape his asshole with her luffa as he cried openly. “I should have been worried the whole time.”
Meg showed no mercy whatsoever as she drove the luffa in and out of him as he screamed like a child. She hadn’t been lying about him trying to rape her. He had exposed himself to her and tried to grab her, but she had run from him. In a horrid turn of luck for her though the place she had fled to had ended up being a hangout for drunk jocks and she had still been raped that day. It had just been the varsity baseball team with the pedophile coach rather than her own father that had robbed her of all her virginities.
The prison shrink she had been mandated to see after her first fight had unlocked that and a number of other repressed memories. Of course she had taken advantage of Meg in exchange for these breakthroughs. The shrink had made Meg eat her out to hear her opinion and analysis of each of their sessions.
Meg slowly moved him to be pressed up against the back wall so she could be in the hot water while she continued to plow into him with her sexual weapon. She pressed up close to him so he could feel her breasts on his back but started fucking his ass harder. She choked up on the luffa so that she was holding halfway up the handle and she could guide the back end of the handle to her own pussy riding it as she raped her father’s ass.
“I bet you like this you disgusting piece of shit,” she growled in his ear. “You like your daughter fucking you in the ass as her tits rest on your back. I mean you always wanted to rape me right you fucking pathetic excuse for a father. I mean mom’s a cunt, but she comes from money, so I get it, but you grew up poor. You being a piece of shit is petty and pathetic.”
Peter cried even harder as she picked up more speed with the luffa and because he couldn’t see a lie in anything she said. He thought about every time he had thought of raping her to speed up the methodic sex him and Lois had lately. Lois had broken but Peter truly believed he deserved this.
Meg rode the handle hard, and she felt herself cum. Her orgasm had been building since she had landed her first punch on her father. She left the luffa buried in her father’s sore ass as she forced him to face her and get on his knees.
She gripped the back of his head and spread her legs. She shoved his face into her pussy and began to forcibly rub her pussy over his face until he finally got the hint and stuck out his tongue for her to ride instead.
“Yeah bitch,” Meg growled as she forced her father’s tongue into her pussy, “eat me like you know what you’re doing.”
She kept a firm grip on his head and wondered why her bitch of a mom stayed with this fat useless sack of crap. He can’t fight, and he can’t eat pussy worth a crap. She continued to try and make him do a better job but like everything else he just wasn’t getting it and she was getting fed up with his subpar performance.
She pulled his face back and spit in it. “How are you this fucking bad at everything?”
Peter was too afraid to answer, and Meg felt even more disgusted by his cowardice and weakness. She wanted to hurt him but beating him was already getting old. Meg glared at him and made a decision. She kept her hand on his head, but she turned around and forced his face towards her ass.
“Since you can’t eat pussy we need to find another use for that tongue,” she hissed. “Now stick your tongue up my ass and eat it like you mean it or I’ll cut your pathetic little dick off.”
He followed her orders, but he wasn’t any better at eating her ass than he had been eating her pussy. Still she enjoyed the gagging and retching sounds he made each time she shoved his head forward and got his tongue deeper into her ass. She couldn’t get much pleasure from his tongue but at least she could enjoy his suffering.
She felt the water slowly getting colder and gave up riding her father’s face so she could wash up quickly while there was still warm water. As soon as she was done she turned to him and just for fun she kicked him hard in the dick. He lay in the shower crying and as Meg stepped out and took the towel he had brought for himself.
“Now finish your cold shower bitch while I go see if dinner is ready,” Meg called out with an evil grin as she dried off before tossing the used towel back where it had been.
Meg sat at the head of the table as the rest of the family sat down. Her mother served them all their bacon burgers and Meg laughed seeing all the little burn marks on her mom’s pale skin. It served her right for all the times she had pushed Meg to self-harm.
Peter kept his eyes down and shifted in his seat a lot after being raped with a luffa. Stewie also seemed to look anywhere but at Meg or his mom. She had no reason to wish Stewie harm, so she decided to leave him alone for now. Chris was openly staring at his mom’s naked tits and one hand had taken up permanent residence below the table. She saw Brian also enjoying seeing Lois naked, but Meg wasn’t going to let him enjoy it for long.
“Why are you at the table?” She barked the question laced with challenge at Brian.
“Because it’s dinner time…” Brian ventured trying to make it seem like he didn’t understand the question. Him playing dumb though just pissed off Meg more.
“You don’t eat with us anymore!” Meg declared in a tone that made her mom and dad flinch and the rest of the room go dead silent.
“Because I’m a dog?” Brian asked quietly knowing he had pushed too far already.
“No,” Meg told him as she stood and grabbed his plate from the table. “Because you’re a fucking snitch. You turned me in you piece of shit and now you think you’re going to sit here and try to pretend like you’re family while you eye fuck Lois.”
She opened the door to the basement and through the plate down the stairs hearing it break on the concrete floor before she came back to the table and picked Brian up by the scruff of his neck and his tail. She hurled him down into the basement hearing him hit with a thump and not caring if she had killed him.
“And if you ever come up from that basement again,” she hissed and also glared at her family, so they knew the rules too, “I’ll have you put down because you’re dog and a rat.”
She returned to the dinner table and as her mom and dad seemed to eat as quickly as they could, and Chris looked at her Meg took off her pants. She was commando underneath them and she smirked as she saw Chris’s eyes widen as he looked at her pussy. Her mom and dad pretended not to notice and Stewie was off in his own world.
Meg sat back down and tried the burger. She had to admit that compared to prison food her mother was a gourmet chef. She watched her mother quickly finish dinner and then go still trying not to be noticed. Unfortunately for her Meg had some pent-up frustrations to work out and wanted to take another opportunity to humiliate her shitty parents.
“Hey bitch,” she called out and chuckled as both her mom and dad immediately looked at her with fear in their eyes. “I don’t know why you stay with that useless sack of crap you call a husband.” She not only wanted to mock her father but establish whom she was addressing. “He can’t eat ass and certainly can’t eat pussy. Why don’t you get over here and show him how it’s done properly.”
Lois moved quickly so she wouldn’t incur the same level of Meg’s wrath she had faced before all over again. She was still sore from being raped by the beer bottle. Meg pushed back from the table so both Peter and Chris could see as her mom got on her knees and leaned in. Stewie couldn’t see and didn’t seem interested as he focused on eating his food.
Compared to Peter her mother seemed to be an expert in cunnilingus. Meg moaned as Lois got to work using her tongue like an expert. She still put her hands on the back of her mom’s head, but it was just to remind everyone who was in charge and not to guide her. Meg didn’t want anyone to think that just because she enjoyed something that she wasn’t still the head bitch in charge.
“Yeah bitch,” Meg moaned, “fucking lap that cunt. You are so much better at this than your limp dick baby maker over there.”
Peter hung his head in shame, not just because of what Meg was saying but because he wasn’t able to help Lois in any way. Lois may have known what she was doing since this wasn’t her first time with a woman, but she felt sick to her stomach knowing that the pussy she tasted on her lips was her own daughters. Meg looked around and was pleased to see her father’s shame and that her brother was clearly enjoying the show. She would need loyal allies after all if she was going to see this plan through.
“Hey dad,” Meg called out with a sadistic glee. “I bet this bitch gives great head, maybe I’ll have her give Brian a blowjob just to make her swallow dog cum. Bet it would be a bigger dick than yours anyway.”
Running down her father made the pleasure of having her pussy eaten even more intense. She started to grind on her mother’s face knowing she was going to cum soon. Meg was honesty impressed at her mother’s skill in eating pussy and briefly wondered where she may have learned it.
“Ugh… yes… eat my pussy you stupid cunt…” Meg moaned as she felt her orgasm flood over her and saw her brother’s face twist in pleasure as he must had finished jerking off as she came on her mother’s face.
Meg was done with her mother and pushed her back off her pussy with her foot. She stood and looked down at her naked mother sprawled out in front of her. She considered making her father eat her mother out, so she saw how bad he was at it but decided even that miniscule level of pleasure was more than she wanted her to feel.
“Clear the table slut and remember that you’re my bitch now,” she told her mother as she stood up to leave. “That means I’m the only one who gets to use you. Not that tiny dicked punk you married for some fucking reason.”
She picked up her pants and walked upstairs to her room to plot her next move in peace.
It was deep into the night when Meg grabbed some rope from the garage and headed for her brother’s bedroom. It was time to see where Chris’s loyalties were. If he sided with the rest of the family then she would start treating him like she treated the others, but if he was willing to take her side she would give him rewards like he could only dream of.
Meg crept into his room silently and thanked her lucky stars that Chris was a heavy sleeper. She quickly tied his hands and then his feet to the four posts of his bed and Chris didn’t even stir. As she looked over his sleeping form she saw the bulge in his pants and thought that he must be having a really good dream.
She stripped off her clothes and she worked her brother’s pants down just enough to free his hard cock from its cotton coffin. All she could do for a moment was stare. She had heard he was well endowed but hadn’t believed he could be this well hung. He was easily twelve inches long and at least two and a half inches thick. This thing was a monster, but Meg had been fisting herself since she was 14.
Meg opened her mouth as wide as she could and managed to get the head in her mouth and even worked a bit into her throat, but she couldn’t manage much more that that. She was salivating over the idea of it filling her and let the drool drip down his cock before using her hands to rub it in.
“What… what’s… happening?” Chris asked groggily as he started to wake up but to his credit he didn’t freak out like she was worried he would. “Why am I tied up?”
Meg couldn’t help but chuckle around his cock that he was more concerned with why he was tied up than who was sucking his cock. She guessed if she woke up with someone eating her out she wouldn’t care either.
“Meg, what are you doing?” Chris focused to ask the question but there was no urgency or worry in it. He just seemed genuinely curious.
“Getting this monster cock all set for me to give it a test drive,” she told him as she jerked more of her spit up and down the shaft and then got on the bed.
Meg mounted him and lined up his massive cock with her dripping pussy before sliding herself down on it and moaning loudly as she felt it fill her and then stretch her. She bounced a little to force herself lower and lower on it and moaned even louder not caring who in the house heard her.
Chris closed his eyes and groaned as he felt her pussy slowly envelope his massive prick. He had jerked off three times today just thinking about Meg fucking their mother with the beer bottle and making her eat Meg out at dinner. He wondered what price this would come with but already decided he didn’t care. He didn’t get laid a lot and he was enjoying this.
With one more hard bounce Meg let out a scream of pleasure as Chris’s cock completely disappeared inside her. She held herself there for a moment reveling in the pleasure of the sensation before she began to move up and down. As she started to ride her brother her moans turned to pants she refocused on business. As she bottomed out again she slapped Chris in the face to get his attention.
“Focus for a moment,” she rode him up and down before giving him another light slap as he closed his eyes. “I have a proposition for you.”
“What… is… it?” Chris groaned the question but managed to keep his eyes open and focused so he wouldn’t get slapped again.
“This is my house now,” Meg groaned and started to ride Chris a little faster as she got used to being stretched by him. “You saw what I did to that cunt we call mom,” Chris groaned at the memory, and she needed to slap him to get him to focus again. “I did the same thing to that useless fat ass we call a dad but with a luffa.”
They both groaned as Meg got into a pace they both found the perfect combination of speed and roughness for maximum pleasure. Chris closed his eyes and Meg let him have this one because she was enjoying it just as much. After a few moments though she lightly tapped his cheek, and they locked eyes again.
“I could use you Chris,” she groaned and began to play with her naked tits in front of his face. “I don’t plan to stop with just our house, and I could use some muscle. Not to mention a weaponized cock. What do you say?”
“I’m going to cum,” Chris groaned.
Meg stopped riding him and made him look at her. “I’ll let you cum inside me after I get your answer. You with me or are you with them?”
“I’m in,” Chris growled with a little more base in his voice than had been there before. “Fuck these people, I’m with you.”
Meg smiled knowing he wasn’t lying, and he was hers to command from now on. The thought of her plan coming together pushed Meg over the edge and she felt herself cum hard on her brothers cock as she resumed riding him. In only a few moment she felt a rush of hot cum hit her cervix and flood her pussy.
“How long does it take you to get hard again?” Meg asked as she got off of Chris and untied him from the bed.
“An hour at most,” Chris declared proudly.
“Excellent.” Meg smiled at him and made no move to get dressed. “Next I want to try that thing in my ass.”
The rest of the night the siblings fucked and plotted how they would take over the town. Meg had a list of people that needed to pay for past transgressions and Chris added a few names for things they had done or said behind Meg’s back. By morning they were both spent but they were also both fired up to greet this new dawn.Meg and Chris showered together before coming down for breakfast. Chris was dressed only in a pair of boxers while Meg sported a white tank top and panties. Peter was sitting at the table keeping his eyes down and his mouth shut, Stewie was in his high chair and seemed to be detached from the situation entirely since nothing horrid had happened to him, and Lois stood by the stove naked making pancakes. As Meg and Chris entered she looked back at them, and Meg decided she didn’t like the defiant look in her eyes.
Lois finished making the pancakes and set them on the table as Meg stood up and without even a smile on her face began to grope her mother’s chest from behind her. “I saw that look you shot us,” Meg hissed in her mother’s ear as she pinched her nipples hard enough to make her squirm. “I think it’s time for another lesson.” Meg grabbed her mother’s hair and slammed her onto the table, so she was bent over it and her tits were pressed into the still hot pancakes before smacking her ass. "Chris!” Meg shouted for her new enforcer.
Chris didn’t need any further prompting. Meg had explained to him his new role in detail as they had fucked through the night. His boxers hit the floor as he strode towards where his sister was holding down his mother and his rock-hard massive cock was unleashed. Peter kept his head down, but Meg noticed Stewie stare at his brothers cock and not for the first time wondered if a baby could be gay.
Lois caught site of her son’s massive erection and started to shake a little knowing what was about to happen but also disgustingly felt her self get wet at the thought of being fucked by such a huge cock. The dueling feelings made her begin to sob before Chris had even gotten behind her and Meg jerked her head up. Lois shuddered as Meg licked her tears from her face and then cranked her head painfully to force her to watch as her own son pushed the head of his cock against her exposed pussy.
Lois let out a sharp scream as Chris shoved himself in with cruel and brutal thrusts and Meg reached down to play with herself as she forced her mom to watch her own rape.
Chris was not gentle or tender and simply gripped her hips with both hands and rammed himself in and out of her. Meg wanted him to use his cock as a weapon and he was more than happy to oblige. It was better than jerking off in the shower that was for sure. He didn’t look at his mother though as he raped her pussy, instead he stared right at his father in case he looked up. Chris wanted him to know who the dominant male in this family was now just like Meg had showed she was the top dog.
“Why is she so tight?” Chris growled as he tried to goad his father into looking up.
“Because Peter has a pathetic tiny cock,” Meg joined in looking between her father and her mother. “Right?” She demanded as she pulled Lois’s hair harder.
“Yes,” Lois whispered her response having trouble even getting that out between the pain of being raped and manhandled along with the shame of it being at the hands of her children.
“Louder, and I want to hear you say the whole thing.” Meg stopped masturbating long enough to smack Lois in the face. “Say you’re so tight because your pathetic loser of a husband has a tiny micro cock.”
“I’m so tight—” she began before Meg slapped her hard again and really yanked at her hair.
“I said louder,” Meg commanded as she slapped her mom twice more. “I want the whole fucking neighborhood to hear how fucking pathetic he is you filthy slut.”
“I’M SO TIGHT BECAUSE MY PATHETIC LOSER HUSBAND HAS A MICRO PENIS!” She screamed and for some reason shouting it outloud like that triggered an orgasm she hadn’t felt building and she moaned just as loud as she came.
“Hear that Peter?” Chris grunted as he felt his mom’s pussy clamp down on his cock like a vice while he continued to brutalize her. “That’s what it sounds like when a bitch likes the cock she’s being fucked with.”
Meg was genuinely impressed with how much Chris had thrown himself into his new role as her enforcer and she went back to fingering herself as Chris continued plowing their mother into the table. She would have to remember to reward him.
Chris continued to drive his cock in and out of his mother until he finally felt his own orgasm building and with one last agonizing shove he dumped a load of cum deep into her. He pulled out and Meg let him take hold of Lois’s hair as Meg continued to finger herself to her own orgasm watching the perverse scene.
He used his grip and his strength to pull his mom off the table and force her on her knees letting his slowly softening cock hang in front of her face. “Well mom,” he growled. “Clean me up.”
Lois was still sobbing as she used her mouth and tongue to clean the disgusting mix of her own juices and Chris’s cum off his massive cock gaging and choking along the way. When he was satisfied he handed her head off to Meg again who shoved her pussy into her mom’s face and Lois ate her out without having to be told.
Chris sat down and smirked as Meg came hard on her mom’s face. He idly stroked his spent cock before a grumble in his stomach reminded him he was famished. When Meg was finished riding her orgasm and grinding her mom’s face she let Lois get up and serve the pancakes but as she finished putting them on everyone’s plates Meg got another wicked idea.
Meg stood up and walked right over to her mom who still hadn’t sat down. She forced her legs apart and used three fingers to scoop some of her brothers cum out of her mom and off her inner thighs. She spread it like it was butter on both Lois’s and Peter’s pancakes before wiping her hand off on her mom’s face and sitting down to eat.
She felt a wave of perverse power and satisfaction as she watched her parents devour their breakfasts with their special sauce. For the first time in a long time she was happy heading off to school knowing she ran this house now.
Meg walked into the lunch room late with a cocky swagger that made people want to look at her and a cold expression that made them immediately look away again. She didn’t care what reaction she got anyway, she wasn’t here to eat. She was here to make a statement and let these bitches know who she was and who ran this fucking shit house school.
“Hey. Who’s the new dude?” Connie D’Amico asked the rest of the popular kids that were grouped around her at the popular table. She was queen bee around the school because she was rich and good looking. Plus, if the rumors were true, pretty easy.
“Oh my god,” Amy, one of her friends, gasped as she saw what Connie was looking at. They had all heard the rumors but now they had walking proof they had been true. “That’s Meg Griffin. She just got out of prison.”
Meg strolled past their table heading directly for the vending machine at a steady and unbothered pace. She didn’t listen to anything they said because none of them mattered to her anymore and she couldn’t for the life of her understand why she had ever put any stock into what they had thought. They were all stuck up bitches and wouldn’t have lasted an hour on the inside.
“Hey Meg, what did they put you in jail for?” Connie mocked Meg with her usual smug superior tone. Meg had always been an easy target for her to take out all of her own insecurities on since they had known each other. “Being ugly.”
Connie and her friends all laughed with their typical heard mentality. They showed all the confidence in bullying Meg because they had never had to face any consequences for their own actions. Their campaign of targeted hatred had either been ignored by the staff and students or had been swept under the rug with their parents money.
Meg stopped in front of the soda machine and fished a bunch of quarters out of her pocket. She had been late mainly because she had broken into the teachers’ lounge coffee vending machine to get the quarters she needed.
“Hey Meg, what happened?” Chad, one of the cool guys, mocked her next as she pulled out a pillowcase and started filling it with the cans of soda she kept buying one by one. “Did you get out early for fat behavior?”
They all laughed again as Meg kept filling the sack and showing no emotion. There had been a time when their barbs would have stung her, when she would have gotten mad, or run out crying. There was even a time when she would have went home and cut herself. That wasn’t her anymore though. That her had died in prison.
“Nice tattoo, did you get your butt hair braded while you were in there too?” Becki, Connie’s red headed friend, yelled out to another round of braying laughs.
“What did you do?” Mike, the least popular guy friend, joined in. “Carve a gun out of soap and then not wash with it?”
They all laughed one more time as Meg finished filling her pillowcase with all the cans of soda she could buy. She put it over her shoulder and felt the weight of it. It wasn’t as heavy as she would have liked but it was going to have to do. She almost let her stone-cold expression crack as she turned and saw how frustrated they were getting at her not showing any emotional response to their verbal harassment.
“Hey Meg,” Connie tried mocking her again as Meg walked right up next to her. “Are you going to take those soda cans to the Shaw-skank redemption center?”
As they all began laughing again Meg cocked back the pillow case and smashed Connie in the back of her head with it knocking her unconscious instantly with one brutal strike. Before anyone could move she swung the pillow case four more times. Each strike landed with pinpoint efficiency and cracked the skulls of the rest of the popular kids in four brutal strokes dropping them all. The entire lunch room sat in shocked silence as the popular kids bodies hit the ground and Meg stood victorious.
She picked up Connie’s face by her hair and stuck her tongue in the unconscious girls open mouth before she tossed her to the ground like the trash she was. Now everyone knew who she was and what she was about. She hoped the rest of the staring students would tell Connie that after she had been knocked out Meg had marked her as her new bitch.
As Meg walked away the teachers finally broke out of their stunned shock made a move to restore some order. One of the gym teachers grabbed Meg and led her away to go to the Principal’s office. As he led the cooperating and eerily calm Meg away she smirked as she heard another teacher calling for the school nurse to check on the popular kids.
She was still smirking as she let the horrified gym teacher recount her brutal assault while not surprisingly glazing over the bullying that had come before it. She just sat in front of him staring him down and not saying a word. After about five minutes of silence the school nurse walked in and whispered into Principal Shepherd’s ear.
“Well the good news is all of the kids you assaulted are going to be fine,” he began glowering at Meg hoping to see some sign of remorse or fear. “The bad news is that I have no choice but to suspend you for this heinous assault.”
Meg laughed as he continued to stare at her. She flipped him off with both middle fingers before finally breaking her silence. “Fuck you and fuck your suspension you limp dicked bitch. I bet that’s why your wife left you for another woman. Because you’re a bitch.”
“Oh yeah,” Principal Shepherd shouted at her losing his cool as he lost complete control of the situation. “Then how about this smart ass. You’re expelled. PERMANENTLY!”
“About fucking time punk,” she shot back as she bowed up to him and he flinched. “Now sit down before you get smacked.”
She laughed as he sat down before she turned on her heel and strode out of the school. She had plans to make anyway. Her and her new bitch were going to need some quality time to get to know each other.
Connie and her friends had gone out that night and tried to drink away any lingering memories of Meg’s attack. She was definitely going to make her daddy sue the school and Meg. She hoped they lost their house and had to live in the streets. It was bad enough the bitch had attacked them but some of the other kids had told her latter that the disgusting skank had forced her tongue into her mouth while she was unconscious. She was definitely going to make her pay for that.
Her friends had just dropped her off in front of her house before they had sped off. They were all drunk and none of them should have been behind the wheel but that never mattered. Even if they got pulled over the cops would let them go.
Connie struggled to walk as she made her way around to the back of her house. She always came in the back when she was out this late so she wouldn’t wake her parents up. She stumbled a few times before she fell over on her side as she tried to take the turn into the back yard with overly exaggerated wobbly drunken steps.
She slowly started to rise and had just gotten on her hands and knees to steady herself as she heard footsteps coming towards her. She looked up expecting to see her father or one of her friends coming to help her but as she raised her face a fist drove into the side of her head, and she lost consciousness.
Connie came too and immediately regretted it. Her head hurt so much she could barely focus enough to open her eyes. When she did manage to open her eyes the first thing she realized was she had no idea where she was. It looked like an attic but certainly not hers or any of her friends.
She tried to speak but with a growing sense of unease found herself gagged and as she tried to get up or remove the gag found her legs and ankles were tied together. She tried to stay calm and focus but this entire situation felt like it had to be some lucid nightmare.
“Oh good,” she heard a familiar voice and her terror escalated rapidly. “I was hoping you’d come to before we got started. I want you awake for all of this.” Meg stepped forward with a small duffle bag that she tossed on the ground narrowly missing Connie’s head.
It was open and Connie saw an array of painful looking sex toys and began to sob as her mind connected all the pieces and she knew what was about to happen to her. She tried to scream pleas for mercy into her gag but even if Meg could have understood them she would still have ignored them.
Connie stopped pleading and in fact stopped doing anything but staring as Meg crouched down in front of her and waved an eight-inch serrated hunting knife in front of her face before resting the cold steel on the terrified girls cheek.
“What’s the matter?” Meg mocked her before taking the blade away in a sudden motion. “Are you afraid?”
Meg didn’t wait for an answer and instead put her shin across Connie’s throat to hold her down and choke her as she used the blade to cut open the front of Connie’s shirt. As Connie lay frozen Meg lightly traced the tip of the knife up Connie’s torso and let the flat of the blade rest on the girls perfect tits just barely contained within the fancy looking white lace bra.
“Shame to keep these covered,” Meg goaded her helpless bully as she once again used the sharp blade to cut through fabric letting the ruined bra fall to either side exposing the defenseless choking girls chest.
Meg let her breathe but also grabbed at the already cut fabric of her shirt and bra and ripped them to shreds as she tore them off Connie. She threw the shredded remnants off to one side as she admired the half-naked girl. She could see why the boys flocked to her. She reached down with her empty hand and began to grope Connie’s tits with hard rough squeezes. She delighted in the look of disgust in the popular bitch’s eyes.
This time Meg rested her knee right in Connie’s gut and pushed hard to cause discomfort as she set about cutting off the tied-up girls pants. The pants were so tight they looked like they had been sewn on, but Meg managed to get the blade in the waist band along her hips and cut right through the stitching. The pants came away almost intact and Meg tossed them onto the pile of Connie’s ruined clothing.
As Meg stood Connie tried to curl into a ball to hide her naked chest and her thong style panties that barely covered her pussy and left nothing to the imagination when it came to her plump round ass. Meg let her think it mattered what she did as she drove the knife into a wooden post, so it was out of reach of her captive before returning back to the girl and kicking her in the back to make her straighten out.
“Let’s see that pussy,” Meg hissed as she grabbed Connie’s panties and with two vicious tugs painfully ripped them off of her. Meg saw her pussy was hairless and ran her hand over it. “I bet you keep it smooth because otherwise your daddy won’t touch you.”
Connie tried to shake her head to deny the accusation but went ramrod stiff as Meg shoved three fingers into her to the middle knuckles and began viciously finger fucking her as she also reached up and yanked on Connie’s nipples so hard she felt like she might rip them off. Meg continued to finger her for a few more moments before pulling out her fingers and showing Connie the slick mess coating them.
“I knew you wanted this you fucking slut,” she laughed the words right in Connie’s face as she wiped her hand off in the girls tears. “Or maybe it was mentioning your daddy touching you. I bet that’s how you earned that car. With your nasty little cunt.”
Meg stood as Connie continued to cry so hard her body shook. Meg stripped quickly and opened the duffle bag. She pulled out several toys including nipple clamps with a chain connecting them, anal beads, a cock shaped gag, and a strap on with a massive dildo already situated in it. She stepped on Connie’s clit hard enough to make her screech as she adjusted the strap on and laughed as the girls eyes went wide taking in the massive dildo.
First things first though, Meg thought as she leaned down and undid Connie’s gag.
“LET ME GO YOU FUCKING FREAK!” Connie screamed before Meg punched her in the face so hard her head bounced back off the floor and she saw stars.
Meg grabbed the cock shaped gag and forced that into Connie’s mouth as Connie got her wits about her again. She tried to struggle as Meg fixed the straps around the back of her head. She wasn’t good at giving head and was already gaging on the dildo lodged in her mouth.
“Don’t puss out now bitch,” Meg mocked her with the same tone she always used to torment Meg. “We’re just getting started.”
Connie let out a loud scream as Meg slapped her tits one after the other over and over until they were bright red and her nipples stood straight up but every time she screamed the dildo gag would push into the back of her mouth and into her throat making her gag and choke. The discomfort still couldn’t keep her from losing another screech of pain as Meg attached the clamps to her stinging nipples and gave the chain a tug.
Once she was sure they were secured she was not gentle in using the chain as a leash to force Connie to start to turn over while she also used her other hand to force her to keep her knees under her as she completed the move. It put her pussy and ass in the air and exposed while also keeping her from being able to press her tits into the floor and lessen any of the pain from the clamps and the chain pulling on them.
Meg picked up the anal beads and after spitting on Connie’s exposed asshole she pushed bead after bead into the screaming girls tight asshole. As soon as they were all in and only the string was hanging out Meg finally got around to filling Connie’s final empty hole. She spit on the tip of the dildo before she brutally rammed it into Connie as deep as she could get it with the first thrust. Connie’s body went taught from the pain and her scream was silent as she was suddenly being violated in all three of her holes.
A tug on the chain attached to the nipple clamps broke her from her silent scream back to screaming and sobbing loudly as Meg began to fuck her hard and fast with the massive dildo. She was hate fucking her long-time bully and loving every second of it. She would pull on the chain so hard she thought the clamps might tear off as she really put her hips into every thrust slowly reducing Connie from a defiantly screaming bitch to a barely intelligible grunting little fuck toy.
Meg had been so worked up it wasn’t long before she felt her first orgasm hit and she reached for Connie’s ass. She pulled out one bead before she went right back to pounding away at Connie’s brutalized pussy.
“One down,” Meg groaned as she continued to rape Connie. “Eleven more to go and after I’m done, I’m going to let my brother have some fun and he’s bigger than me.”
Meg was true to her word and had cum twelve times before she had gotten off of Connie. The girl wasn’t even crying anymore, and it was all she could do not to black out. Chris had managed to get some fresh screams from her though as he decided after only a few pumps in her already brutally fucked pussy to try and split her in half by ramming his cock into her ass.
She left Chris to his fun and after throwing on only the most basic of clothes she left to go next door. Meg knew that she couldn’t let Connie go and killing her seemed wasteful, so she was about to go make her perverted sex offender pilot neighbor Glenn Quagmire a huge offer. If he was willing to use his contacts around the sex world to find someone who wanted to but a slightly used high school girl. She was prepared to offer him a cut of the money, a round with Connie, and what she knew would seal the deal an opportunity to fuck her mom.
Meg hadn’t been wrong so far, and tonight wasn’t the night that streak broke. After they had worked out the details and Chris had finished using her Meg covered Connie with a blanket and snuck her to Quagmire’s basement where he had a camera set up so he could auction her off and then fly her to the winning bidder.
Meg stayed and watched the auction as well as Quagmire taking his turn with the broken willed girl as she began to formulate plans for the future.
She looked much more butch dressed in her jeans and a tank top with a red bandanna replacing her signature beanie. Her physique had changed as drastically as her outfit, and she had muscular arms that sported tribal tattoos.
“I’m home,” Meg declared as she stared all of them down before pointing at them all. “You’re all my bitches now!”
“Okay,” Stewie agreed immediately as everyone else struggled to process what was going on.
Meg slammed the door shut and moved to stand in front of the TV, so she had their undivided attention. She continued to stare at them daring any one of them to defy her. She had more than a new look, she had a whole new mentality.
“Meg. You look so… different.” Her mother made the comment sound innocent, but Meg’s mind immediately picked up on the tone of judgment.
Her mother’s constant verbal and emotional abuse towards her through her entire life had been a constant thought these last three months. She had already started working out some plans to pay her back.
“How was prison?” Her brother blurted out the question with his usual lack of tact.
He had never been as bad to her as the others, but she was going to use him in her plan just the same. She hoped he grew to enjoy the role he played in the plot she had cooked up while she was inside, but she also didn’t care if he didn’t.
Right now though, she needed to establish herself as the top dog and there was only one way to do that. With a challenge.
“First question!” Meg barked as she puffed out her chest, balled up her fists, and held her hands at the ready in a strong stance she had learned her first day in. “Who’s the biggest, toughest guy in this house?”
“Well, I don’t like to toot my own horn here,” her fat idiot father piped up completely missing the point, “but I believe I hold the distinction of—”
Before he could finish Meg had grabbed a lamp and smashed him in the head with it. He went limp and fell off the couch. As the rest of the family looked on with horrified expressions Meg laid into her father delivering punch after vicious punch to the head before grabbing him and driving her knee into his face a few times before she dropped repeated hammer fists into his face until he went limp.
Everyone watched with growing fear as Meg dragged her father’s limp corpse by the hair to the stairs. She put his top teeth on the bottom stair before jumping into the air and delivering a stomp to the back of his head breaking all of his front teeth.
“My house now bitch!” She declared as she glared down and stood over his beaten and bloody form. Before she turned a menacing glare back at the rest of her family. “Now who’s the funniest?”
Peter lifted his hand still not understanding what was going on or too concussed to get it. “I know my way around a joke.”
Meg turned on him with unrelentingly vicious kicks. Repeatedly driving her foot into his face and stomping down on his head in equal measure. Peter somehow managed to retain consciousness and grunted with each vicious blow.
“For God’s sake Dad have some humility.” Chris begged his father as he watched Meg try to stomp him into a comma. “It’ll save your life.”
She continued to deliver strike after strike taking out years of pent-up frustration at all the horrible ways he had mistreated her. She also wanted to make sure that the others understood what would happen to them if they dared to defy her. This was her new prison, and she was going to be the biggest toughest bitch in the yard. He finally lost consciousness from her vicious beating, and she smirked.
“There better be beer in the fridge,” she told her father’s unconscious body as she walked out of the living room.
Me opened the fridge and took her father’s entire sixpack of beer before she began to head up to her room to find a place to store her new commissary. On her way through the living room with her new prize she took a moment to kick her father again as he was trying to crawl back to the couch.
“That’s enough Meg,” her mom finally stood up and tried to stare down her daughter. “I’m sure prison was tough, but you can’t treat us like this.”
“Shut the fuck up bitch,” Meg hissed at her, and she put the sixpack down on the stairs. “Unless you really think you can take me.”
“I’m not going to fight you Meg.” Lois rolled her eyes already sick of Meg’s new attitude.
“Of course you’re not,” Meg laughed as she walked right up to her mom and punched her in the gut with a powerful strike driving all the air out of her and dropping her to her knees.
Lois was gasping for air as Meg delivered a rabbit punch to the back of her head and she saw stars as she collapsed on the floor. Meg picked up her limp mother and draped her over the couch. She walked over and grabbed a beer and walked back over to Lois. Chris, Stewie, and Brian had all backed up as far as they could but also couldn’t look away.
Meg looked at the bottle top and saw it was a twist off. She looked over at her mom and decided to teach the bitch a lesson. She undid her mom’s pants and yanked them down along with her panties to her knees. She looked over and saw Stewie look away in disgust, Chris looked horrified, but he was obviously checking out what his sister was doing to his mom, and Brian was trying to shift around so he could get a better look at Lois’s pussy.
“You always like to talk about your buns of steel,” Meg laughed as she put the top of the bottlecap against her mom’s puckered asshole and squeezed her cheeks around the sides of the bottlecap. She twisted and laughed as she heard the pop of the beer opening. “Thanks bitch.”
She let go of her mom’s ass cheeks and as the cap hit the floor she chugged the beer. She stopped half way through the bottle and poured the rest on her father so he came too. His eyes widened as he saw his wife, half naked, draped over the couch, and his kids still in the room. Meg walked back over to Lois and smiled at her dad.
“I bet this bitch could use something bigger and better than your tiny pathetic cock,” Meg mocked her father.
“How would you know what his dick looks like?” Chris blurted out with a weird tone.
“Because the bastard tried to rape me when he was trying to be a redneck!” She shouted at them all. “Now he can watch me rape my cunt of a mother.”
As her father watched in horror, and Chris and Brian watched with curiosity Meg lined the bottle up with her mom’s pussy. Lois started to come to as Meg jammed the entire neck of the bottle into her. She screamed as Meg pushed it in even deeper and Meg laughed.
“I’m glad you came round you fucking slut,” she hissed at her mom before looking right at her father as she pushed in some more of the bottle. “I’d hate for you to miss getting something big jammed in you.”
She saw her father’s spirit break as he listened to Lois’s scream turn to a groan and then to a moan as she got used to the bottle invading her. He was completely emasculated, and she had shown him what dominance really was.
“I’m going to put the rest of MY beer in my room,” Meg told them all with a hard look. “No one takes that battle out of her or I ram it in her ass next after I beat the shit out of all of you.” As she thought of what she was going to do she decided to show a bit of kindness since it would also allow her to punish Brian for snitching on her. “Brian, take Stewie to his room and stay there until I say otherwise.”
Brian looked disappointed but Meg knew he was a coward and would never defy her. As she grabbed her beer and Brian hustled Stewie up the stairs never looking away from Lois’s pussy stuffed with a beer bottle. She also noticed one of Chris’s hands was in his pocket and while he wore a mask of shock she was sure he was touching himself watching this.
She made sure Stewie’s door was shut before she slipped into her room and found a good place to hide her beer. She waited in her room for a few minutes in no mood to rush her takeover of the house.
As Meg walked back downstairs she smiled. Chris had done exactly what she had expected him to do and shifted to a new position where he could see everything, but it was harder to see what his hand in his pocket was up to. Her father was exactly where she had left him staring at Lois who was also exactly as she had left her.
She walked up to her mother and noticed she was clearly awake but also wasn’t moving at all and Meg realized she had already broken her mom. She had thought it would take more pain but then it clicked. It wasn’t the pain or the violation that had broken her judgmental bitch of a birthing chamber. It was the blow to her pride at having it done in front of her family that had crushed her mom’s spirit.
Meg finished yanking her mother’s pants and panties as she began to slowly pull the bottle out before pushing it back in and fucking her with it. She made Lois spread her legs as she continued to work the bottle in and out of her.
“You know something bitch,” she growled at her mom as she heard her pathetic grunts at getting fucked by her daughter. “I don’t think you need to wear clothes anymore.”
She savored the crushed look on her mother’s face as she used a knee to keep the bottle shoved deep in her mother and lifted her torso off the couch. Her father wouldn’t see much until after, but Chris was about to see his mother’s naked tits and her mother knew it.
Meg wasn’t gentle and tore Lois’s button up shirt open sending buttons everywhere before ripping it off of her and tossing it to the side. She let her drop to the couch again and unhooked the back of her bra. She pulled it off of her mother and Lois immediately collapsed back to the couch as it joined her other clothes but that didn’t work for Meg. She wanted her completely humiliated and went back to using one hand to pump the bottle in and out and the other hand grabbed a handful of her mother’s hair pulling her up from the couch.
Lois completely broke at this final humiliation of being exposed to her son as she was raped by her daughter in front of her broken husband. She stopped trying to fight back her moans and simply lost herself in the act of being fucked until she felt her orgasm building. With a moan that drew a tear from peter and a strange look on Chris’s face Lois came.
Meg quickly yanked out the bottle not wanting the pressure to break the bottle. She didn’t give a shit if Loise got hurt but she wasn’t sure how they would explain it at medical. Besides, it was time for another lesson. She tossed the bottle on the couch and grabbed her mother’s throat.
“Did I fucking tell you that you could cum you stupid fucking cow?” She screeched at her mother and punched her right in the pussy making sure her most prominent knuckle connected with her clit. Her mother screamed and Meg ground her fist into her even harder. She punched her three more times before she paused. “I asked you a fucking question bitch.”
“No,” her mom managed to barely get out the word.
“You’re fucking right I didn’t.” Meg barked at her mom as she hauled her into a standing position by the hair and slapped her in the face twice. “You’re a fucking embarrassment so you’ve lost the right to wear clothes in the house until I say otherwise.” Lois simply nodded her ascent. “Now every one else can leave but if anyone tries to snitch me out again I kill you all starting with Stewie.”
Peter struggled to get up and kept his head down as he limped and crawled his way upstairs and Chris took off up the stairs past their father and as she heard his bedroom door slam she was sure if he hadn’t cum yet he was about to. Lois just stood and stared at her like she was waiting for instructions.
“You probably think you got off easy,” Meg whispered to her mother making sure to touch her in every spot that made her shudder, “but I want bacon burgers tonight so enjoy cooking that naked.”
Lois started to cry as Meg walked away to go enjoy another one of her beers.Peter had cried as soon as he had made it to his room. He had been beaten and emasculated in front of his wife and kids before he had sat idly by as Meg had raped her with a bottle too afraid to take another beating. He felt weak and powerless. Worse he felt dirty at having felt himself get hard as he heard his wife moan being raped by the bottle. He needed a shower.
The hot water was soothing but he winced every time it touched the bruises that covered his face. He had cried again in the shower. He wasn’t sure how he could ever show his face again and the absolute horror of Meg’s ultimatum for their silence.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear the bathroom door open and close.
“Hey,” Meg got into the shower with him making him jump. She was holding a luffa in one hand with a hard look on her face and nothing else on.
“Meg,” he tried to cover his nakedness in front of his unashamedly naked daughter. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
“Shower time,” she told him with a cold flat tone.
“Yeah,” he agreed quickly. “For me, not… not for,” he stammered before his eyes locked on the luffa in her hand. “What are you doing with that luffa?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she told him with an evil smirk.
Peter tried to pretend she wasn’t there and turned back towards the water before Meg grabbed him by the back of the head and drove him into the wall holding him there. She took the luffa and without a moment’s hesitation drove the luffa right into her father’s fat ass. He screamed as she violated him.
“You told me not to worry about it,” he shouted trying to struggle but feeling even more pathetic when he couldn’t push her off him and he just let her hold him against the wall and rape his asshole with her luffa as he cried openly. “I should have been worried the whole time.”
Meg showed no mercy whatsoever as she drove the luffa in and out of him as he screamed like a child. She hadn’t been lying about him trying to rape her. He had exposed himself to her and tried to grab her, but she had run from him. In a horrid turn of luck for her though the place she had fled to had ended up being a hangout for drunk jocks and she had still been raped that day. It had just been the varsity baseball team with the pedophile coach rather than her own father that had robbed her of all her virginities.
The prison shrink she had been mandated to see after her first fight had unlocked that and a number of other repressed memories. Of course she had taken advantage of Meg in exchange for these breakthroughs. The shrink had made Meg eat her out to hear her opinion and analysis of each of their sessions.
Meg slowly moved him to be pressed up against the back wall so she could be in the hot water while she continued to plow into him with her sexual weapon. She pressed up close to him so he could feel her breasts on his back but started fucking his ass harder. She choked up on the luffa so that she was holding halfway up the handle and she could guide the back end of the handle to her own pussy riding it as she raped her father’s ass.
“I bet you like this you disgusting piece of shit,” she growled in his ear. “You like your daughter fucking you in the ass as her tits rest on your back. I mean you always wanted to rape me right you fucking pathetic excuse for a father. I mean mom’s a cunt, but she comes from money, so I get it, but you grew up poor. You being a piece of shit is petty and pathetic.”
Peter cried even harder as she picked up more speed with the luffa and because he couldn’t see a lie in anything she said. He thought about every time he had thought of raping her to speed up the methodic sex him and Lois had lately. Lois had broken but Peter truly believed he deserved this.
Meg rode the handle hard, and she felt herself cum. Her orgasm had been building since she had landed her first punch on her father. She left the luffa buried in her father’s sore ass as she forced him to face her and get on his knees.
She gripped the back of his head and spread her legs. She shoved his face into her pussy and began to forcibly rub her pussy over his face until he finally got the hint and stuck out his tongue for her to ride instead.
“Yeah bitch,” Meg growled as she forced her father’s tongue into her pussy, “eat me like you know what you’re doing.”
She kept a firm grip on his head and wondered why her bitch of a mom stayed with this fat useless sack of crap. He can’t fight, and he can’t eat pussy worth a crap. She continued to try and make him do a better job but like everything else he just wasn’t getting it and she was getting fed up with his subpar performance.
She pulled his face back and spit in it. “How are you this fucking bad at everything?”
Peter was too afraid to answer, and Meg felt even more disgusted by his cowardice and weakness. She wanted to hurt him but beating him was already getting old. Meg glared at him and made a decision. She kept her hand on his head, but she turned around and forced his face towards her ass.
“Since you can’t eat pussy we need to find another use for that tongue,” she hissed. “Now stick your tongue up my ass and eat it like you mean it or I’ll cut your pathetic little dick off.”
He followed her orders, but he wasn’t any better at eating her ass than he had been eating her pussy. Still she enjoyed the gagging and retching sounds he made each time she shoved his head forward and got his tongue deeper into her ass. She couldn’t get much pleasure from his tongue but at least she could enjoy his suffering.
She felt the water slowly getting colder and gave up riding her father’s face so she could wash up quickly while there was still warm water. As soon as she was done she turned to him and just for fun she kicked him hard in the dick. He lay in the shower crying and as Meg stepped out and took the towel he had brought for himself.
“Now finish your cold shower bitch while I go see if dinner is ready,” Meg called out with an evil grin as she dried off before tossing the used towel back where it had been.
Meg sat at the head of the table as the rest of the family sat down. Her mother served them all their bacon burgers and Meg laughed seeing all the little burn marks on her mom’s pale skin. It served her right for all the times she had pushed Meg to self-harm.
Peter kept his eyes down and shifted in his seat a lot after being raped with a luffa. Stewie also seemed to look anywhere but at Meg or his mom. She had no reason to wish Stewie harm, so she decided to leave him alone for now. Chris was openly staring at his mom’s naked tits and one hand had taken up permanent residence below the table. She saw Brian also enjoying seeing Lois naked, but Meg wasn’t going to let him enjoy it for long.
“Why are you at the table?” She barked the question laced with challenge at Brian.
“Because it’s dinner time…” Brian ventured trying to make it seem like he didn’t understand the question. Him playing dumb though just pissed off Meg more.
“You don’t eat with us anymore!” Meg declared in a tone that made her mom and dad flinch and the rest of the room go dead silent.
“Because I’m a dog?” Brian asked quietly knowing he had pushed too far already.
“No,” Meg told him as she stood and grabbed his plate from the table. “Because you’re a fucking snitch. You turned me in you piece of shit and now you think you’re going to sit here and try to pretend like you’re family while you eye fuck Lois.”
She opened the door to the basement and through the plate down the stairs hearing it break on the concrete floor before she came back to the table and picked Brian up by the scruff of his neck and his tail. She hurled him down into the basement hearing him hit with a thump and not caring if she had killed him.
“And if you ever come up from that basement again,” she hissed and also glared at her family, so they knew the rules too, “I’ll have you put down because you’re dog and a rat.”
She returned to the dinner table and as her mom and dad seemed to eat as quickly as they could, and Chris looked at her Meg took off her pants. She was commando underneath them and she smirked as she saw Chris’s eyes widen as he looked at her pussy. Her mom and dad pretended not to notice and Stewie was off in his own world.
Meg sat back down and tried the burger. She had to admit that compared to prison food her mother was a gourmet chef. She watched her mother quickly finish dinner and then go still trying not to be noticed. Unfortunately for her Meg had some pent-up frustrations to work out and wanted to take another opportunity to humiliate her shitty parents.
“Hey bitch,” she called out and chuckled as both her mom and dad immediately looked at her with fear in their eyes. “I don’t know why you stay with that useless sack of crap you call a husband.” She not only wanted to mock her father but establish whom she was addressing. “He can’t eat ass and certainly can’t eat pussy. Why don’t you get over here and show him how it’s done properly.”
Lois moved quickly so she wouldn’t incur the same level of Meg’s wrath she had faced before all over again. She was still sore from being raped by the beer bottle. Meg pushed back from the table so both Peter and Chris could see as her mom got on her knees and leaned in. Stewie couldn’t see and didn’t seem interested as he focused on eating his food.
Compared to Peter her mother seemed to be an expert in cunnilingus. Meg moaned as Lois got to work using her tongue like an expert. She still put her hands on the back of her mom’s head, but it was just to remind everyone who was in charge and not to guide her. Meg didn’t want anyone to think that just because she enjoyed something that she wasn’t still the head bitch in charge.
“Yeah bitch,” Meg moaned, “fucking lap that cunt. You are so much better at this than your limp dick baby maker over there.”
Peter hung his head in shame, not just because of what Meg was saying but because he wasn’t able to help Lois in any way. Lois may have known what she was doing since this wasn’t her first time with a woman, but she felt sick to her stomach knowing that the pussy she tasted on her lips was her own daughters. Meg looked around and was pleased to see her father’s shame and that her brother was clearly enjoying the show. She would need loyal allies after all if she was going to see this plan through.
“Hey dad,” Meg called out with a sadistic glee. “I bet this bitch gives great head, maybe I’ll have her give Brian a blowjob just to make her swallow dog cum. Bet it would be a bigger dick than yours anyway.”
Running down her father made the pleasure of having her pussy eaten even more intense. She started to grind on her mother’s face knowing she was going to cum soon. Meg was honesty impressed at her mother’s skill in eating pussy and briefly wondered where she may have learned it.
“Ugh… yes… eat my pussy you stupid cunt…” Meg moaned as she felt her orgasm flood over her and saw her brother’s face twist in pleasure as he must had finished jerking off as she came on her mother’s face.
Meg was done with her mother and pushed her back off her pussy with her foot. She stood and looked down at her naked mother sprawled out in front of her. She considered making her father eat her mother out, so she saw how bad he was at it but decided even that miniscule level of pleasure was more than she wanted her to feel.
“Clear the table slut and remember that you’re my bitch now,” she told her mother as she stood up to leave. “That means I’m the only one who gets to use you. Not that tiny dicked punk you married for some fucking reason.”
She picked up her pants and walked upstairs to her room to plot her next move in peace.
It was deep into the night when Meg grabbed some rope from the garage and headed for her brother’s bedroom. It was time to see where Chris’s loyalties were. If he sided with the rest of the family then she would start treating him like she treated the others, but if he was willing to take her side she would give him rewards like he could only dream of.
Meg crept into his room silently and thanked her lucky stars that Chris was a heavy sleeper. She quickly tied his hands and then his feet to the four posts of his bed and Chris didn’t even stir. As she looked over his sleeping form she saw the bulge in his pants and thought that he must be having a really good dream.
She stripped off her clothes and she worked her brother’s pants down just enough to free his hard cock from its cotton coffin. All she could do for a moment was stare. She had heard he was well endowed but hadn’t believed he could be this well hung. He was easily twelve inches long and at least two and a half inches thick. This thing was a monster, but Meg had been fisting herself since she was 14.
Meg opened her mouth as wide as she could and managed to get the head in her mouth and even worked a bit into her throat, but she couldn’t manage much more that that. She was salivating over the idea of it filling her and let the drool drip down his cock before using her hands to rub it in.
“What… what’s… happening?” Chris asked groggily as he started to wake up but to his credit he didn’t freak out like she was worried he would. “Why am I tied up?”
Meg couldn’t help but chuckle around his cock that he was more concerned with why he was tied up than who was sucking his cock. She guessed if she woke up with someone eating her out she wouldn’t care either.
“Meg, what are you doing?” Chris focused to ask the question but there was no urgency or worry in it. He just seemed genuinely curious.
“Getting this monster cock all set for me to give it a test drive,” she told him as she jerked more of her spit up and down the shaft and then got on the bed.
Meg mounted him and lined up his massive cock with her dripping pussy before sliding herself down on it and moaning loudly as she felt it fill her and then stretch her. She bounced a little to force herself lower and lower on it and moaned even louder not caring who in the house heard her.
Chris closed his eyes and groaned as he felt her pussy slowly envelope his massive prick. He had jerked off three times today just thinking about Meg fucking their mother with the beer bottle and making her eat Meg out at dinner. He wondered what price this would come with but already decided he didn’t care. He didn’t get laid a lot and he was enjoying this.
With one more hard bounce Meg let out a scream of pleasure as Chris’s cock completely disappeared inside her. She held herself there for a moment reveling in the pleasure of the sensation before she began to move up and down. As she started to ride her brother her moans turned to pants she refocused on business. As she bottomed out again she slapped Chris in the face to get his attention.
“Focus for a moment,” she rode him up and down before giving him another light slap as he closed his eyes. “I have a proposition for you.”
“What… is… it?” Chris groaned the question but managed to keep his eyes open and focused so he wouldn’t get slapped again.
“This is my house now,” Meg groaned and started to ride Chris a little faster as she got used to being stretched by him. “You saw what I did to that cunt we call mom,” Chris groaned at the memory, and she needed to slap him to get him to focus again. “I did the same thing to that useless fat ass we call a dad but with a luffa.”
They both groaned as Meg got into a pace they both found the perfect combination of speed and roughness for maximum pleasure. Chris closed his eyes and Meg let him have this one because she was enjoying it just as much. After a few moments though she lightly tapped his cheek, and they locked eyes again.
“I could use you Chris,” she groaned and began to play with her naked tits in front of his face. “I don’t plan to stop with just our house, and I could use some muscle. Not to mention a weaponized cock. What do you say?”
“I’m going to cum,” Chris groaned.
Meg stopped riding him and made him look at her. “I’ll let you cum inside me after I get your answer. You with me or are you with them?”
“I’m in,” Chris growled with a little more base in his voice than had been there before. “Fuck these people, I’m with you.”
Meg smiled knowing he wasn’t lying, and he was hers to command from now on. The thought of her plan coming together pushed Meg over the edge and she felt herself cum hard on her brothers cock as she resumed riding him. In only a few moment she felt a rush of hot cum hit her cervix and flood her pussy.
“How long does it take you to get hard again?” Meg asked as she got off of Chris and untied him from the bed.
“An hour at most,” Chris declared proudly.
“Excellent.” Meg smiled at him and made no move to get dressed. “Next I want to try that thing in my ass.”
The rest of the night the siblings fucked and plotted how they would take over the town. Meg had a list of people that needed to pay for past transgressions and Chris added a few names for things they had done or said behind Meg’s back. By morning they were both spent but they were also both fired up to greet this new dawn.Meg and Chris showered together before coming down for breakfast. Chris was dressed only in a pair of boxers while Meg sported a white tank top and panties. Peter was sitting at the table keeping his eyes down and his mouth shut, Stewie was in his high chair and seemed to be detached from the situation entirely since nothing horrid had happened to him, and Lois stood by the stove naked making pancakes. As Meg and Chris entered she looked back at them, and Meg decided she didn’t like the defiant look in her eyes.
Lois finished making the pancakes and set them on the table as Meg stood up and without even a smile on her face began to grope her mother’s chest from behind her. “I saw that look you shot us,” Meg hissed in her mother’s ear as she pinched her nipples hard enough to make her squirm. “I think it’s time for another lesson.” Meg grabbed her mother’s hair and slammed her onto the table, so she was bent over it and her tits were pressed into the still hot pancakes before smacking her ass. "Chris!” Meg shouted for her new enforcer.
Chris didn’t need any further prompting. Meg had explained to him his new role in detail as they had fucked through the night. His boxers hit the floor as he strode towards where his sister was holding down his mother and his rock-hard massive cock was unleashed. Peter kept his head down, but Meg noticed Stewie stare at his brothers cock and not for the first time wondered if a baby could be gay.
Lois caught site of her son’s massive erection and started to shake a little knowing what was about to happen but also disgustingly felt her self get wet at the thought of being fucked by such a huge cock. The dueling feelings made her begin to sob before Chris had even gotten behind her and Meg jerked her head up. Lois shuddered as Meg licked her tears from her face and then cranked her head painfully to force her to watch as her own son pushed the head of his cock against her exposed pussy.
Lois let out a sharp scream as Chris shoved himself in with cruel and brutal thrusts and Meg reached down to play with herself as she forced her mom to watch her own rape.
Chris was not gentle or tender and simply gripped her hips with both hands and rammed himself in and out of her. Meg wanted him to use his cock as a weapon and he was more than happy to oblige. It was better than jerking off in the shower that was for sure. He didn’t look at his mother though as he raped her pussy, instead he stared right at his father in case he looked up. Chris wanted him to know who the dominant male in this family was now just like Meg had showed she was the top dog.
“Why is she so tight?” Chris growled as he tried to goad his father into looking up.
“Because Peter has a pathetic tiny cock,” Meg joined in looking between her father and her mother. “Right?” She demanded as she pulled Lois’s hair harder.
“Yes,” Lois whispered her response having trouble even getting that out between the pain of being raped and manhandled along with the shame of it being at the hands of her children.
“Louder, and I want to hear you say the whole thing.” Meg stopped masturbating long enough to smack Lois in the face. “Say you’re so tight because your pathetic loser of a husband has a tiny micro cock.”
“I’m so tight—” she began before Meg slapped her hard again and really yanked at her hair.
“I said louder,” Meg commanded as she slapped her mom twice more. “I want the whole fucking neighborhood to hear how fucking pathetic he is you filthy slut.”
“I’M SO TIGHT BECAUSE MY PATHETIC LOSER HUSBAND HAS A MICRO PENIS!” She screamed and for some reason shouting it outloud like that triggered an orgasm she hadn’t felt building and she moaned just as loud as she came.
“Hear that Peter?” Chris grunted as he felt his mom’s pussy clamp down on his cock like a vice while he continued to brutalize her. “That’s what it sounds like when a bitch likes the cock she’s being fucked with.”
Meg was genuinely impressed with how much Chris had thrown himself into his new role as her enforcer and she went back to fingering herself as Chris continued plowing their mother into the table. She would have to remember to reward him.
Chris continued to drive his cock in and out of his mother until he finally felt his own orgasm building and with one last agonizing shove he dumped a load of cum deep into her. He pulled out and Meg let him take hold of Lois’s hair as Meg continued to finger herself to her own orgasm watching the perverse scene.
He used his grip and his strength to pull his mom off the table and force her on her knees letting his slowly softening cock hang in front of her face. “Well mom,” he growled. “Clean me up.”
Lois was still sobbing as she used her mouth and tongue to clean the disgusting mix of her own juices and Chris’s cum off his massive cock gaging and choking along the way. When he was satisfied he handed her head off to Meg again who shoved her pussy into her mom’s face and Lois ate her out without having to be told.
Chris sat down and smirked as Meg came hard on her mom’s face. He idly stroked his spent cock before a grumble in his stomach reminded him he was famished. When Meg was finished riding her orgasm and grinding her mom’s face she let Lois get up and serve the pancakes but as she finished putting them on everyone’s plates Meg got another wicked idea.
Meg stood up and walked right over to her mom who still hadn’t sat down. She forced her legs apart and used three fingers to scoop some of her brothers cum out of her mom and off her inner thighs. She spread it like it was butter on both Lois’s and Peter’s pancakes before wiping her hand off on her mom’s face and sitting down to eat.
She felt a wave of perverse power and satisfaction as she watched her parents devour their breakfasts with their special sauce. For the first time in a long time she was happy heading off to school knowing she ran this house now.
Meg walked into the lunch room late with a cocky swagger that made people want to look at her and a cold expression that made them immediately look away again. She didn’t care what reaction she got anyway, she wasn’t here to eat. She was here to make a statement and let these bitches know who she was and who ran this fucking shit house school.
“Hey. Who’s the new dude?” Connie D’Amico asked the rest of the popular kids that were grouped around her at the popular table. She was queen bee around the school because she was rich and good looking. Plus, if the rumors were true, pretty easy.
“Oh my god,” Amy, one of her friends, gasped as she saw what Connie was looking at. They had all heard the rumors but now they had walking proof they had been true. “That’s Meg Griffin. She just got out of prison.”
Meg strolled past their table heading directly for the vending machine at a steady and unbothered pace. She didn’t listen to anything they said because none of them mattered to her anymore and she couldn’t for the life of her understand why she had ever put any stock into what they had thought. They were all stuck up bitches and wouldn’t have lasted an hour on the inside.
“Hey Meg, what did they put you in jail for?” Connie mocked Meg with her usual smug superior tone. Meg had always been an easy target for her to take out all of her own insecurities on since they had known each other. “Being ugly.”
Connie and her friends all laughed with their typical heard mentality. They showed all the confidence in bullying Meg because they had never had to face any consequences for their own actions. Their campaign of targeted hatred had either been ignored by the staff and students or had been swept under the rug with their parents money.
Meg stopped in front of the soda machine and fished a bunch of quarters out of her pocket. She had been late mainly because she had broken into the teachers’ lounge coffee vending machine to get the quarters she needed.
“Hey Meg, what happened?” Chad, one of the cool guys, mocked her next as she pulled out a pillowcase and started filling it with the cans of soda she kept buying one by one. “Did you get out early for fat behavior?”
They all laughed again as Meg kept filling the sack and showing no emotion. There had been a time when their barbs would have stung her, when she would have gotten mad, or run out crying. There was even a time when she would have went home and cut herself. That wasn’t her anymore though. That her had died in prison.
“Nice tattoo, did you get your butt hair braded while you were in there too?” Becki, Connie’s red headed friend, yelled out to another round of braying laughs.
“What did you do?” Mike, the least popular guy friend, joined in. “Carve a gun out of soap and then not wash with it?”
They all laughed one more time as Meg finished filling her pillowcase with all the cans of soda she could buy. She put it over her shoulder and felt the weight of it. It wasn’t as heavy as she would have liked but it was going to have to do. She almost let her stone-cold expression crack as she turned and saw how frustrated they were getting at her not showing any emotional response to their verbal harassment.
“Hey Meg,” Connie tried mocking her again as Meg walked right up next to her. “Are you going to take those soda cans to the Shaw-skank redemption center?”
As they all began laughing again Meg cocked back the pillow case and smashed Connie in the back of her head with it knocking her unconscious instantly with one brutal strike. Before anyone could move she swung the pillow case four more times. Each strike landed with pinpoint efficiency and cracked the skulls of the rest of the popular kids in four brutal strokes dropping them all. The entire lunch room sat in shocked silence as the popular kids bodies hit the ground and Meg stood victorious.
She picked up Connie’s face by her hair and stuck her tongue in the unconscious girls open mouth before she tossed her to the ground like the trash she was. Now everyone knew who she was and what she was about. She hoped the rest of the staring students would tell Connie that after she had been knocked out Meg had marked her as her new bitch.
As Meg walked away the teachers finally broke out of their stunned shock made a move to restore some order. One of the gym teachers grabbed Meg and led her away to go to the Principal’s office. As he led the cooperating and eerily calm Meg away she smirked as she heard another teacher calling for the school nurse to check on the popular kids.
She was still smirking as she let the horrified gym teacher recount her brutal assault while not surprisingly glazing over the bullying that had come before it. She just sat in front of him staring him down and not saying a word. After about five minutes of silence the school nurse walked in and whispered into Principal Shepherd’s ear.
“Well the good news is all of the kids you assaulted are going to be fine,” he began glowering at Meg hoping to see some sign of remorse or fear. “The bad news is that I have no choice but to suspend you for this heinous assault.”
Meg laughed as he continued to stare at her. She flipped him off with both middle fingers before finally breaking her silence. “Fuck you and fuck your suspension you limp dicked bitch. I bet that’s why your wife left you for another woman. Because you’re a bitch.”
“Oh yeah,” Principal Shepherd shouted at her losing his cool as he lost complete control of the situation. “Then how about this smart ass. You’re expelled. PERMANENTLY!”
“About fucking time punk,” she shot back as she bowed up to him and he flinched. “Now sit down before you get smacked.”
She laughed as he sat down before she turned on her heel and strode out of the school. She had plans to make anyway. Her and her new bitch were going to need some quality time to get to know each other.
Connie and her friends had gone out that night and tried to drink away any lingering memories of Meg’s attack. She was definitely going to make her daddy sue the school and Meg. She hoped they lost their house and had to live in the streets. It was bad enough the bitch had attacked them but some of the other kids had told her latter that the disgusting skank had forced her tongue into her mouth while she was unconscious. She was definitely going to make her pay for that.
Her friends had just dropped her off in front of her house before they had sped off. They were all drunk and none of them should have been behind the wheel but that never mattered. Even if they got pulled over the cops would let them go.
Connie struggled to walk as she made her way around to the back of her house. She always came in the back when she was out this late so she wouldn’t wake her parents up. She stumbled a few times before she fell over on her side as she tried to take the turn into the back yard with overly exaggerated wobbly drunken steps.
She slowly started to rise and had just gotten on her hands and knees to steady herself as she heard footsteps coming towards her. She looked up expecting to see her father or one of her friends coming to help her but as she raised her face a fist drove into the side of her head, and she lost consciousness.
Connie came too and immediately regretted it. Her head hurt so much she could barely focus enough to open her eyes. When she did manage to open her eyes the first thing she realized was she had no idea where she was. It looked like an attic but certainly not hers or any of her friends.
She tried to speak but with a growing sense of unease found herself gagged and as she tried to get up or remove the gag found her legs and ankles were tied together. She tried to stay calm and focus but this entire situation felt like it had to be some lucid nightmare.
“Oh good,” she heard a familiar voice and her terror escalated rapidly. “I was hoping you’d come to before we got started. I want you awake for all of this.” Meg stepped forward with a small duffle bag that she tossed on the ground narrowly missing Connie’s head.
It was open and Connie saw an array of painful looking sex toys and began to sob as her mind connected all the pieces and she knew what was about to happen to her. She tried to scream pleas for mercy into her gag but even if Meg could have understood them she would still have ignored them.
Connie stopped pleading and in fact stopped doing anything but staring as Meg crouched down in front of her and waved an eight-inch serrated hunting knife in front of her face before resting the cold steel on the terrified girls cheek.
“What’s the matter?” Meg mocked her before taking the blade away in a sudden motion. “Are you afraid?”
Meg didn’t wait for an answer and instead put her shin across Connie’s throat to hold her down and choke her as she used the blade to cut open the front of Connie’s shirt. As Connie lay frozen Meg lightly traced the tip of the knife up Connie’s torso and let the flat of the blade rest on the girls perfect tits just barely contained within the fancy looking white lace bra.
“Shame to keep these covered,” Meg goaded her helpless bully as she once again used the sharp blade to cut through fabric letting the ruined bra fall to either side exposing the defenseless choking girls chest.
Meg let her breathe but also grabbed at the already cut fabric of her shirt and bra and ripped them to shreds as she tore them off Connie. She threw the shredded remnants off to one side as she admired the half-naked girl. She could see why the boys flocked to her. She reached down with her empty hand and began to grope Connie’s tits with hard rough squeezes. She delighted in the look of disgust in the popular bitch’s eyes.
This time Meg rested her knee right in Connie’s gut and pushed hard to cause discomfort as she set about cutting off the tied-up girls pants. The pants were so tight they looked like they had been sewn on, but Meg managed to get the blade in the waist band along her hips and cut right through the stitching. The pants came away almost intact and Meg tossed them onto the pile of Connie’s ruined clothing.
As Meg stood Connie tried to curl into a ball to hide her naked chest and her thong style panties that barely covered her pussy and left nothing to the imagination when it came to her plump round ass. Meg let her think it mattered what she did as she drove the knife into a wooden post, so it was out of reach of her captive before returning back to the girl and kicking her in the back to make her straighten out.
“Let’s see that pussy,” Meg hissed as she grabbed Connie’s panties and with two vicious tugs painfully ripped them off of her. Meg saw her pussy was hairless and ran her hand over it. “I bet you keep it smooth because otherwise your daddy won’t touch you.”
Connie tried to shake her head to deny the accusation but went ramrod stiff as Meg shoved three fingers into her to the middle knuckles and began viciously finger fucking her as she also reached up and yanked on Connie’s nipples so hard she felt like she might rip them off. Meg continued to finger her for a few more moments before pulling out her fingers and showing Connie the slick mess coating them.
“I knew you wanted this you fucking slut,” she laughed the words right in Connie’s face as she wiped her hand off in the girls tears. “Or maybe it was mentioning your daddy touching you. I bet that’s how you earned that car. With your nasty little cunt.”
Meg stood as Connie continued to cry so hard her body shook. Meg stripped quickly and opened the duffle bag. She pulled out several toys including nipple clamps with a chain connecting them, anal beads, a cock shaped gag, and a strap on with a massive dildo already situated in it. She stepped on Connie’s clit hard enough to make her screech as she adjusted the strap on and laughed as the girls eyes went wide taking in the massive dildo.
First things first though, Meg thought as she leaned down and undid Connie’s gag.
“LET ME GO YOU FUCKING FREAK!” Connie screamed before Meg punched her in the face so hard her head bounced back off the floor and she saw stars.
Meg grabbed the cock shaped gag and forced that into Connie’s mouth as Connie got her wits about her again. She tried to struggle as Meg fixed the straps around the back of her head. She wasn’t good at giving head and was already gaging on the dildo lodged in her mouth.
“Don’t puss out now bitch,” Meg mocked her with the same tone she always used to torment Meg. “We’re just getting started.”
Connie let out a loud scream as Meg slapped her tits one after the other over and over until they were bright red and her nipples stood straight up but every time she screamed the dildo gag would push into the back of her mouth and into her throat making her gag and choke. The discomfort still couldn’t keep her from losing another screech of pain as Meg attached the clamps to her stinging nipples and gave the chain a tug.
Once she was sure they were secured she was not gentle in using the chain as a leash to force Connie to start to turn over while she also used her other hand to force her to keep her knees under her as she completed the move. It put her pussy and ass in the air and exposed while also keeping her from being able to press her tits into the floor and lessen any of the pain from the clamps and the chain pulling on them.
Meg picked up the anal beads and after spitting on Connie’s exposed asshole she pushed bead after bead into the screaming girls tight asshole. As soon as they were all in and only the string was hanging out Meg finally got around to filling Connie’s final empty hole. She spit on the tip of the dildo before she brutally rammed it into Connie as deep as she could get it with the first thrust. Connie’s body went taught from the pain and her scream was silent as she was suddenly being violated in all three of her holes.
A tug on the chain attached to the nipple clamps broke her from her silent scream back to screaming and sobbing loudly as Meg began to fuck her hard and fast with the massive dildo. She was hate fucking her long-time bully and loving every second of it. She would pull on the chain so hard she thought the clamps might tear off as she really put her hips into every thrust slowly reducing Connie from a defiantly screaming bitch to a barely intelligible grunting little fuck toy.
Meg had been so worked up it wasn’t long before she felt her first orgasm hit and she reached for Connie’s ass. She pulled out one bead before she went right back to pounding away at Connie’s brutalized pussy.
“One down,” Meg groaned as she continued to rape Connie. “Eleven more to go and after I’m done, I’m going to let my brother have some fun and he’s bigger than me.”
Meg was true to her word and had cum twelve times before she had gotten off of Connie. The girl wasn’t even crying anymore, and it was all she could do not to black out. Chris had managed to get some fresh screams from her though as he decided after only a few pumps in her already brutally fucked pussy to try and split her in half by ramming his cock into her ass.
She left Chris to his fun and after throwing on only the most basic of clothes she left to go next door. Meg knew that she couldn’t let Connie go and killing her seemed wasteful, so she was about to go make her perverted sex offender pilot neighbor Glenn Quagmire a huge offer. If he was willing to use his contacts around the sex world to find someone who wanted to but a slightly used high school girl. She was prepared to offer him a cut of the money, a round with Connie, and what she knew would seal the deal an opportunity to fuck her mom.
Meg hadn’t been wrong so far, and tonight wasn’t the night that streak broke. After they had worked out the details and Chris had finished using her Meg covered Connie with a blanket and snuck her to Quagmire’s basement where he had a camera set up so he could auction her off and then fly her to the winning bidder.
Meg stayed and watched the auction as well as Quagmire taking his turn with the broken willed girl as she began to formulate plans for the future.

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